During my internship with WGN last summer I was able to film an open with Jim DeSheis of the Chicago Cubs and Steve Stone of the Chicago White Sox.
White Sox
Markus Howard PKG
Won 2nd place for 2020 Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Student Awards for Excellence: Sports Story (TV) Milwaukee Press Club: Best Sports Story
Sports Anchoring
Marquette University TV has a weekly newscast called Marquette Now, which I have been the recurring sports anchor for since I was a freshman in 2017. Last year, I decided to start writing my own scripts as well. So even if there are some shows I am not on, I wrote the script. For Marquette Now videos, my segment usually starts at 18 minutes into the video. Additionally, I am an occasional anchor on Golden Eagle Sports Report.
MUTV airs a weekly show called Golden Eagle Sports Report, which I have appeared on. Occasionally I am an anchor, but most times I am an analyst for either volleyball, men's and women's basketball or women's lacrosse.
In my JOUR 2100 class, I wrote scripts, edited and put together videos I shot for packages that ran in the Marquette Now newscast.